At-A-Glance 2026 at Nordisco.com
At-A-Glance 70-807-05 2025-2026 July 2025 thru June 2026 Academic Daily Appointment Book, 5 x 8". At-A-Glance ACCO Brands daily appointment book is designed for keeping track of important deadlines, special events and more in great detail each day. 12-month date range from July 2025 through June 2026, perfect for teachers, administrators, office workers and parents used to planning over the academic year. One day per page spread is easy to follow with ruled blocks to keep plans neat and easy to read. Quarter-hourly appointment times are listed for planning in 15 minute blocks. Times run 7:00 a.m. - 7:45 p.m. on weekdays and from 7:00 a.m. - 4:45 p.m. on Saturdays. Sundays are untimed. Special pages included: 3-year reference calendar, contacts pages and notes pages. Premium paper resists ink bleed and contains 30% post-consumer waste recycled material. Planner is wirebound with black covers. 5" x 8"-page size.