It's the hear-it, see-it, slam-it sight word game of cosmic proportions. Children build new vocabulary and word recognition skills during every out-of-this-world playtime with the Slam Ships Sight Words Game. Start by grabbing one of four colorful UFO slammers with suction cups and spreading out some of the set's sight word cards across the table. After one of the sight words is called out, spot the card with the word on it, then slam down your UFO to capture and collect it. Player with the most sight word cards at the end of the round wins.
It's the hear-it, see-it, slam-it sight word game of cosmic proportions. Children build new vocabulary and word recognition skills during every out-of-this-world playtime with the Slam Ships Sight Words Game. Start by grabbing one of four colorful UFO slammers with suction cups and spreading out some of the set's sight word cards across the table. After one of the sight words is called out, spot the card with the word on it, then slam down your UFO to capture and collect it. Player with the most sight word cards at the end of the round wins.