Post-it Note Dispensers are always there when you need to capture great ideas. This dispenser allows you to organize your desk and always have a note nearby. Classic black base coordinates with any spot you need a note. Pack also includes 12 pads of accordion-style Post-it Dispenser Notes in bright colors. For refills, look for the accordion icon on all packages of Post-it Dispenser Notes. Post-it Dispenser Notes are recyclable, and the paper is source from certified, renewable and responsibly managed forests.
Post-it Note Dispensers are always there when you need to capture great ideas. This dispenser allows you to organize your desk and always have a note nearby. Classic black base coordinates with any spot you need a note. Pack also includes 12 pads of accordion-style Post-it Dispenser Notes in bright colors. For refills, look for the accordion icon on all packages of Post-it Dispenser Notes. Post-it Dispenser Notes are recyclable, and the paper is source from certified, renewable and responsibly managed forests.