All-purpose cleaning pad scours without scratching so it's safe for Silverstone and Teflon-coated cookware. Use in kitchens, bathrooms and automobiles and on carpets, clothing and hands. Design makes it easy to hold for nonscratch cleaning. The yellow polyurethane core of the Dobie helps your soap lather while supporting the mesh. The main point of difference in this yellow-urethane cleaning tool is the unique combination of slit film and fiber interwoven into mesh that "grabs" food and dirt and pulls it away.
All-purpose cleaning pad scours without scratching so it's safe for Silverstone and Teflon-coated cookware. Use in kitchens, bathrooms and automobiles and on carpets, clothing and hands. Design makes it easy to hold for nonscratch cleaning. The yellow polyurethane core of the Dobie helps your soap lather while supporting the mesh. The main point of difference in this yellow-urethane cleaning tool is the unique combination of slit film and fiber interwoven into mesh that "grabs" food and dirt and pulls it away.