When you have tough jobs to tackle, you can trust Scott all-purpose rags in a box. These disposable towels are made of cellulose fibers with a latex binder for thickness, absorbency, and strength. They are suitable for business projects, major home improvement projects, and general business cleaning and housekeeping, and not recommended for direct contact with food products. The cardboard container has built-in handle holes to assist with portability and the pop-up hole in the center allows continuous access to individual wipes. Industrial wipes are non-woven disposable rags consisting of wood pulp, synthetic fibers, or a blend, and reinforced with a binder. They are used to wipe small quantities of solvents or other liquid from your hand, tools, equipment, or other surfaces.
When you have tough jobs to tackle, you can trust Scott all-purpose rags in a box. These disposable towels are made of cellulose fibers with a latex binder for thickness, absorbency, and strength. They are suitable for business projects, major home improvement projects, and general business cleaning and housekeeping, and not recommended for direct contact with food products. The cardboard container has built-in handle holes to assist with portability and the pop-up hole in the center allows continuous access to individual wipes. Industrial wipes are non-woven disposable rags consisting of wood pulp, synthetic fibers, or a blend, and reinforced with a binder. They are used to wipe small quantities of solvents or other liquid from your hand, tools, equipment, or other surfaces.